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Európai Unió
MEGHÍVÓ: EU-India üzleti szeminárium - 2020. március 18.- Budapest Millenáris Park
2020. március 6., péntek

Ezúton hívjuk fel szíves figyelmüket az Európai Üzleti és Technológiai Központ (EBTC), a Magyar Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara és a HEPA által működtetett Startup Campus közös szervezésében megvalósuló interaktív üzleti szemináriumra „Európai kkv-k és startupok nemzetköziesítése, az EU üzleti támogatása és a szellemi tulajdon szerepe India vonatkozásában” címmel.

Időpont: 2020. március 18., szerda 09:00 -11:40

Helyszín: 1024 Budapest, Millenáris Park, Kis Rókus u., D épület

Nyelv: angol

A szeminárium témái: a szellemi tulajdon szerepe a kkv-k és az induló vállalkozások nemzetközivé válási stratégiájában, az üzleti lehetőségek Indiában és az EU-támogatás, valamint az indiai szabadalmi ökoszisztéma.

Az ülésen az indiai piacra való belépés iránt érdeklődő kkv-kat és start-up vállalkozásokat várják szervezők.

A regisztráció ingyenes, az érdeklődő cégek a következő linken keresztül tudnak jelentkezni a rendezvényre: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eu-business-support-and-the-role-of-ip-in-india-tickets-98076913689

További információért kattintson.

Dear Madam, Sir,

The Business Support to the EU-India Policy Dialogues funded by the European Union and implemented by European Business and Technology Center (EBTC) and Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI) in collaboration with Startup Campus powered by Hungarian Export Promotion Agency (HEPA) are organising an interactive seminar on topic “Internationalisation of European SMEs and Start-ups, EU business support and the role of IP: India Perspective". This session will be held on Wednesday 18th March 2020 from 09:00 am to 11:40 am at Millenáris Park Kis Rókus u., 1024, D Building, Budapest.

The seminar will discuss the role of IP in internationalization strategy for SMEs and start-ups, business opportunities in India and EU support, and Indian patent ecosystem to outline the challenges and opportunities that India presents.

The session will bring together SMEs and Start-ups interested in entering Indian market.

Kindly confirm your participation on this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eu-business-support-and-the-role-of-ip-in-india-tickets-98076913689


Wednesday, 18th March 2020 from 09:00 am to 11:40 am

at Millenáris Park, Kis Rókus u., 1024, D Building, Budapest



09.00 am - 09.15 am


09.15 am - 09.20 am

Welcome speech by Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI)

09.20 am – 09.40 am

Soft landing program to India by Zoltan Galla, Startup Campus

09.40 am – 10.10 am

Business Opportunities in India and Available Support (Business Support Project) by Joel Fernandes Project Lead Europe, EBTC

10.10 am - 10.30 am

Presentation on opportunities in India in the cleantech sector and India readiness Kit by Joel Fernandes Project Lead Europe, EBTC

10.30 am– 10.50 am

Importance of IP strategy for internationlisation of EU companies, ETEC platform by Hana Onderkova Head IP, EBTC

10.50 am – 11.20am

Indian market entry: Strategic must-know for a viable IP strategy and overview of the IP ecosystem in India by Faiz Wahid, Sagacious IP

11.20 am – 11.40 am

Q&A - Interactive session

11.40 am – 12.00 pm

Snack and networking

About the Business Support to the EU-India Policy Dialogues supports the implementation of the new EU strategy on India, which was adopted in December 2018. The project strives to increase business involvement in strategic areas of bilateral cooperation in order to reinforce the already strong partnership between the European Union and India. These key areas are derived from on-going policy dialogues between the EU and India, such as Environment, Energy, Climate, ICT and Urbanisation and hold relevant/ real-time opportunities for EU businesses interested in entering the Indian market.

Launched in February 2019, the project is led by GFA Consulting Group GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) in consortium with EBTC – European Business and Technology Centre (New Delhi, India), implementation partner India and EUROCHAMBRES (Brussels, Belgium), implementation partner Europe.

Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI): Industry association that provides assistance to Hungarian entrepreneurs in foreign markets and exploring new partnership opportunities.

Startup Campus is a global program for innovative businesses to support their international market entry. With a native team and a globally extensive partner network, we provide local representation, marketing & PR advisory, event management as well as pre-sales and business development services in several major European cities like London, Berlin and Budapest and soon in New Delhi.

Thank you.